
The button is the best possible position at the poker table, giving the player in this seat a chance to act last in all betting rounds after the flop.

The biggest benefit of sitting on the button is all the additional information you get before making a decision. For example, in a preflop situation, you see what every other player before you do and can adjust your ranges accordingly. On top of that, you only have two players after you, and you will have a position on them after the flop, allowing you to play very aggressively if everyone folds to you.

If we go to postflop scenarios, you have even more information since now you know how many players are in the hand and what their action preflop was, so you can start putting them on a range. Moreover, since you are the last player to act, you will see if they bet or check and how they proceed, so you will be able to narrow down the range even further and make much better decisions.

Because of all this, you can play much more hands from this position and easily control the action by checking back when you want or betting after the flop and putting your opponents in tough situations.