A poker NIT is a player who plays an extremely cautious and timid style, rarely committing chips to the pot without a very strong hand and almost incapable of bluffing.

A NIT will play a very tight range of starting hands and will have no problems giving up if they don’t get a favorable flop. They’ll also tend to make their preflop raises quite big since they mostly play premiums.

Although it may seem reasonable, this style of play is usually not profitable, especially in games with competent players. Nits are very easy to exploit as they give up on pots too easily, and once they start betting big, you can safely fold your hand, knowing that they have it.

You will not beat a poker nit in many big pots as they don’t tend to get involved in those without a monster. However, you can win many small pots off of them during any given session and grind them down while refusing them action when you notice they picked up something they’re willing to go all the way with.