
The best possible combination in a hand at that particular time that can’t be outdrawn and is guaranteed to win the pot is the nuts.

For example, if you hold JT on Q98, you have the nut straight on the flop that can’t be beaten by any other combination at this point. However, if the next card pairs the board and another 9 comes on the turn, you no longer have the nuts. You still have a strong hand and will likely be ahead, but the actual nuts are now quad-nines. The player holding pocket nines would now have the best possible hand at this point.

It is essential to remember that nuts can change when you progress through the hand, and what was the best possible combination on the flop will not necessarily be the nuts on the river. That said, being able to identify what hand is the nuts in any given situation and if it is even in your opponent's range will help you win bigger pots and prevent losing massive hands when that can be avoided.

When you are lucky to have this combination, it is usually best to play it fast and try to build the pot.