
Starting poker hand combinations with two cards of different suits is called offsuit.

For example, AcKs is an offsuit hand. While it is considered a very strong holding, it is still less valuable than AK suited and has lower equity against other holdings. If we calculate the equity of AK suited against pocket deuces, we see that it is a coin flip with 22having a very small edge of 50,11%. On the other hand, against an offsuit Ace-King, pocket deuces have almost 53% equity, meaning there is a significant difference in the long run.

Moreover, offsuit hands have less playability after the flop. Not only do offsuit hands have a lower chance of making a flush, but it also has a significantly lower chance of flowing a draw, so you will not be able to bluff so effectively and force your opponent to fold.

To sum this up, you should be looking to play more suited than offsuit hands from all positions at the table since it adds significantly more value to your range.