
A poker showdown happens after all betting is done and there are two or more players left in a hand. At this time, they’ll all table their hands, and the strongest hand (according to hand rankings for any given variation) will win the pot.

The showdown is the final stage of a poker hand. Once the play reaches this stage, there is no further action or betting remaining. All shown hands are compared and the strongest one is the winner.

In the event two or more players have the exact same winning hand at a showdown, the pot is split between them.

In live games, the dealer will usually announce the showdown once all the betting is done. If you’re new to poker, it’s advisable to wait for the official confirmation from the dealer before showing your cards.

For example, let’s say you open the pot from the BTN with ATo and the BB calls. The flop comes AT5, giving you two pairs, so you decide to bet for value, BB calls. The turn completes your full house with another T, so you bet again, and the BB calls one more time. The river is irrelevant 3, you value bet again, and the BB calls your bet. At this point, you reach the showdown phase, and since you were the last player betting on the river, you will have to show your hand first.